If it is not broken, do not fix it. Not a bad philosophy, and maybe a question worth pondering when referring to Master Lock’s latest dialSpeed padlock. Well, for clarity’s sake, this is not Masterlock’s first dialSpeed Padlock. The original, the 1500ID, uses the same top / bottom / left-right combo code, but lacks the LED lighting, multi-user functionality, and all pizazz offered by the 1500EDBX all together.
That being said, the new dialSpeed is one of the simplest locks to operate. I do not suggest a brain surgeon picks up a school issued combination turnstile work, but relatively this one just speaks wrinkles easier to use. So simple, in fact you could give him a monkey and they would have found out by the end of the day. However, that’s not to say safety was compromised in favor of simplicity.

The dialSpeed can be programmed with up to 4 different combinations; for you and three more for friends or family members. As I mentioned in my product release review the programmed combo can range from 4 to 12 directions. So it’s really up to the user how confident she may be of her lock, which varies from person to person based on her ability to remember combinations. In the end, I settled on a 6 “digit” combo code, which essentially calls for one direction to be pressed twice.I say combo code because it’s an alphanumeric ring that surrounds the directional arrows, which displaces the need to remember a number of directions, and instead lets you remember a favorite set of digits or a word. And believe me, if you’ve used a standard combination rotary lock, you know how easy it is to forget a previously assigned pen after a few months.
There really is no other combo lock on the market like Master Lock The new dialSpeed. Tap the middle button and it will light blue and green. Enter the code incorrectly and the center lights red to indicate if you entered your combination incorrectly. Unlike conventional rotary combo locks, you can use the dialSpeed in dark places, as the entire pad lights up, as you enter the code if the alphanumeric ring is not the case. It’s probably not an everyday use-case scenario, but certainly not worth a look. It also does not hurt that the dialSpeed is easily distinguishable from any other locks on the market, at least for now.

In the event that you lose your primary code, Masterlock provides a master unlock code that is accessible through the website provided you have in your manual that includes the factory set code. The hanger is made of boron carbide, which if you did not know (I did not know) used in tank armor and bullet proof vests. Well, yes, it’s hard. They have also attested to increased safety through anti-shim technology, which means it’s more than difficult to squeeze something into the locks for easy opening and pop it free.
In the box contains, in addition to a USB drive that I do not bother with, is a small paper manual that contains the default (or factory default) combo code. Give this correctly and the middle button lights up green, the lock makes a solid click sound, and you just pull it open. Once opened, you can then assign a new primary code and up to three guest codes. To assign a new primary code first hold the middle button for 2 seconds enter program mode, press the up arrow and press the center button (enter) to enter a new sequence, and press the center button again. Finally, you need to give the combo one more time to program a new primary code.Add guest codes you just repeat the same steps, but to push the arrow up, you can slide left, right or down. To clear a guest code, you unlock the dialSpeed repeat the first steps, but keep a new sequence just to enter this arrow for 5 seconds. So, finally, there are a handful of steps to remember when you are programming a new code for a guest, but with the smartphone in your hand, which can access an online manual that you really only need to remember your primary code.

All this said, you must remember to swap, give away or use the battery every 5 years. Granted, this number comes directly from Masterlock, but unfortunately there is no way for me to test this, although I would like to think about updating this rating when the time comes. The dialSpeed is powered by a CR2032 watch type battery. It is contained in a slot that sits at the base of the castle. When the dialSpeed is locked it can only be partially opened, which allows you to access what MasterLock calls a jump slot. The jump slot is designed to be used in the event that the battery does not contain enough tension to open or unlock.If so, you can partially insert a new battery into the jump slot, which contains battery contact points, and provides enough juice to unlock the dialSpeed. Once it unlocks, the battery door can be completely removed and the battery replaced. Simple enough, assuming you have a replacement battery at all times, but if not then you will be looking for the next pair of lock cutters. If the dialSpeed is exposed to water as it is energized, it could very well be short out of the battery, and maybe even the electronics, that makes the lock completely useless.And if water did not get at them, a thief thwarted by the lock could be damaged by tugging at the battery mechanism in a fit of frustration. But these are theoretical scenarios that are not likely to call for a lock of this type, though schoolyard bullies were known to do worse If the dialSpeed is exposed to water, as it is energized, it could very well be short off the battery, and maybe even the Electronics, that makes the lock completely useless. And if water did not get at them, a thief thwarted by the lock could be damaged by tugging at the battery mechanism in a fit of frustration.But these are theoretical scenarios that are not likely to call for a lock of this type, though schoolyard bullies were known to do worse If the dialSpeed is exposed to water, as it is energized, it could very well be short off the battery, and maybe even the Electronics, that makes the lock completely useless. And if water did not get at them, a thief thwarted by the lock could be damaged by tugging at the battery mechanism in a fit of frustration. But these are theoretical scenarios that are not likely to call for a lock of this type, although schoolyard bullies were known to do worse
So you should buy the Masterlock dialSpeed? Aside from being completely distinguishable from other locks that could draw unwanted attention to your lock full of your iPhone, it’s fit for anyone who shares a locked room and may wish to revoke their access after a period of time. So there is the best benefit of guest codes. The digital nature of dialSpeed as it is in the battery is a pretty big shortcoming, but those who are likely to be interested in this lock will not be in places where this is much of a concern; outside, in a place ripe with anti-dogooders. So in that sense, it’s advantages outweigh its negative easily.Move the batteries component to a safer place, and I do not see why the Masterlock dialSpeed is not the default.
Conclusion: an infinitely cool padlock that offers the primary user the opportunity to deny and deny access to the guests. The battery is the locks biggest shortcoming, and one that requires its users to consider the use case before buying.
Up to 3 guest codes grant / deny access to a secure location
Much easier to remember the combo about traditional castles
Light up keyboard
Battery compartment could easily be broken and makes the lock useless
not weatherproof